<div class="ais-CurrentRefinements">
<ul class="ais-CurrentRefinements-list">
<li class="ais-CurrentRefinements-item">
<span class="ais-CurrentRefinements-label">
<span class="ais-CurrentRefinements-category">
<span class="ais-CurrentRefinements-categoryLabel">Movies & TV Shows</span>
<button class="ais-CurrentRefinements-delete">✕</button>
<span class="ais-CurrentRefinements-category">
<span class="ais-CurrentRefinements-categoryLabel">Others</span>
<button class="ais-CurrentRefinements-delete">✕</button>
Hint: hover classes below to see their position.
name | description |
.ais-CurrentRefinements | the root div of the widget |
.ais-CurrentRefinements--noRefinement | the root div of the widget with no refinement |
.ais-CurrentRefinements-list | the list of all refined items |
.ais-CurrentRefinements-item | the refined list item |
.ais-CurrentRefinements-label | the refined list label |
.ais-CurrentRefinements-category | the category of each item |
.ais-CurrentRefinements-categoryLabel | the label of each category |
.ais-CurrentRefinements-delete | the delete button of each category |
.ais-CurrentRefinements-query | the quote element if query is included |
Note: this is a guideline for new InstantSearch flavours, not a rule.
name | default value | description |
includedAttributes | all searchable attributes | The attributes to include in the refinements (all by default) |
excludedAttributes | ['query'] | The attributes to exclude from the refinements |
transformItems | | Function which receives the items, which will be called before displaying them. Should return a new array with the same shape as the original array. Useful for mapping over the items to transform, remove or reorder them |
Note: there are no translations for this widget